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10/10 for artwork, sfx / music, replayability and fun factor :]

Just grab a copy, I'm sure you'lI dig this game!


Thank you so much! :D

very cool for pico8, ive been playing on steam and for some reason at certain points the game will just lag like crazy, and then be ok. its usually after ive got lots of units and cauldrons around the place and bigger waves are coming. but then it just clears up and runs fine again. not sure what the cause might be.

there’s some prof issues that I will be addressing in an upcoming patch

Pretty nice job guys, and Happy Bday @johanpeitz! Gameplay takes a bit to master, with minions not beeing so “autonomous” as in original DK series. Will put some time on the game to really enjoy it (just had a quick couple of runs so far).

Great Music @VAVMUSICMAGIC (as always…), but I am quite sure you know what I would say about it ;) Not dark enough!

thanks - and glad to hear you enjoyed it !

Are there more monsters or more enemies planned for this game?

Like dragons, mages, thieves? Or having enemy AI that retreats when getting injured, which accumulates the threat of the next wave?

I’m looking to do at least a bug fix/QoL update. There is not much room to fit in big changes like the ones you suggest, but maybe I can squeeze in a new room and a new unit. 

Also, I want to keep the game sessions short and frantic so I don’t want to add anything that might prolong them 

(1 edit)

This game is fun when its short and frantic, but so far the builds are pretty the same since the enemy component is the same all the time.
I suggest more variables to increase replayability? For example, at every playthrough, the types of enemies appear and don't appear are always different.  Same goes to rooms,  sometimes you get different monster rooms instead of lizard room.

thanks for the feedback! Will see if it possible to add something like this in a patch 

(2 edits)

How did you manage all this unique art? I attempted a "larger scaled" game like this with my Alex Kidd Pico 8 de-make, and even trying to come up with a level storage format that re-used level sequences to "compress" the level, I still hit every graphical, code, storage and even sound limit there is to hit (I had to reduce the music to use arpeggio chords to save "tracks" for other songs and sounds).  Just looking at the gifs and screenshots on your page here, I really wonder what techniques you used...

Hey, suberb! Pico 8 files included? Thanks


Thank you so much!
Aiming to add the pico8 files once I know there aren't any major bugs left :D

Great, many thanks! 


It is astounding the lengths you go through to make stunning games on the Pico-8. Much love.


Thanks - much appreciated!