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does anyone know where the other 3 spirits are? I've only found 5.


Great pace and story, really enjoyed this game-

nice game

(2 edits)

Its a great game! Love it! Wish that the gravity control had its own button. Found myself mashing O and it messed with the game a bit, so don’t mash. The game is really small, and i would of liked the ending to be the guy to fly off in his fixed spaceship, but that said, i really liked the game, and my final time was 7:34. 


I like it. It's crazy how much can be conveyed with very few pixels.

pretty cool little gq;e/ i like the color ramp on the leavs and the fade when dying. simple but fun platforming. The track is also pretty nice!

I see some Cavernas in there! I’m working on tranquil tunnels, and I’m seeing some tiles in the game that would be amazing to include in there for the community to use.

Would you be willing to release the beautiful tileset used under CC0 or CC-BY?


This has to be my favorite PICO-8 game so far! Fantastic work, as always! I enjoyed the puzzles, built-in mini tutorials after each power-up, and the smoothness of the game mechanics. Fun story combined with beautiful low-res sprites made this a delight to play!


Thanks Matt, appreciate it!


This is a bite-sized metroidvania. It felt amazing to play! I loved every second of it!


It was good. In a couple of moments I got lost and could not find a new way, but it was interesting.

Very neat little game! I couldn't find the last spirit though, the game became a bit of a maze after a while :) Also I reckon this is very hard for inexperienced gamers

If you’re having a hard time, in my experience, the mobile controls or a controller is easier than pc controls. The map is small, but has hidden parts that I haven’t found yet. Great experience overall. 

This is a great game. I like it!




great game

I got the vine control and now I have no idea where to go

Have you been in the desert?

I already found the way, I just didn't realize that diving cancels fall damage.

That one is a bit unintuitive but I guess it also makes sense because it alters the way you fall.

This is one of the best mini Metroidvanias I’ve played. It has such great pixel art, perfect level design, fun original upgrades, and an interesting story. Perfect except.. too short :( I hope you will make a fuller version! This gives environmental station alpha a serious run for its money (I like it more)

Thanks for the kind words! I've kind of maxed out the possibilities for this within pico8, so maybe in the future!

(1 edit) (+1)

great game, would like to see more of this

I've gotten all the powers, how do I end the game

you gotta find core

Search near the first upgrade 

(5 edits)

Loved it!  It's so awesome to accidentally come across a game by an Allegro legend.

Edit: 5:49 with 8/8 is the best I could do for now


Good old times, eh? Glad you liked the game!

For sure.  I hope you've been doing well Johan.

ive only found 6 at 7:34. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Beautiful little experience. Well done.


Very very good


i really enjoyed this game and started speedrunning it, but i noticed the timer is very inaccurate? i beat the game with a 3:16 in-game time, and in real time it was 3:57. but on another run i beat the game slower in real time, but got a 3:10 in-game time. i highly doubt you'd want to come back to this game and update it again, but i really like the game and think the speedrun is very fun. but right now the in-game timer is just not very useful for determining the run's time unfortunately


I understood nothing but it's a good metroidvania

amazing game and love that it teaches you how

 the game works


Wow, amazing game! Well done! Got swept away from the start. Enjoyed every minute. Amazing how much that can told and experienced with so little. Hats off!


I would love to see this ported to PlayDate


Nice Hulk Game Hulk/10

Absolutely love this game!


Masterpiece. Welldone


Games made on Pico8 always amaze me because of the huge restrictions they have but they can still create quite atmospheric scenes.

As for the controls, it feels quite good, it's just to get used to the grips and when to lunge, but the save point system means that even mistakes don't cost too much, which is fine for a short experience like this.

Without a doubt, it is a curious metroidvania in which we have to explore and understand what the abilities we receive are while our character stops being more and more human to save what is left of that destroyed world.


The game got featured on my very underground blog for very underground games.

Ascent is a damn well made little game. The gameplay is good, the story atmospheric, and the pixelart, colordesign, music and usage of the graphical effects is quite striking. If you give it a shot, the game will give you some dense, satisfying, and atmospheric thirty minutes.

Well done!




6/8 damn (can't find the other two, sadly)


I was doing some research on metroidvania map designs as a game designer, and found this game the most unique. it does alot with really less resources (after all it was made for a jam). I would appreciate you alot for this. Keep the good work going Bro. Good luck and may you have a happy new year. 


thank you! You too

Beautiful tiny game! Enjoyed every minute of it. The art, animations, and music as well as the gameplay are just smooth and are playing very well together. Very inspiring. I just made a tiny Metroidvania (for the Playdate) myself within 2 weeks. I think small projects like yours are just as impactful as big ones. Keep it up! :)

My nephew and I had so much fun!

happy to hear that!

wonderful metroidvania. The themes of becoming one with nature great

Such a fun game! I love the music, low-res sprites (their beautiful), animations... The game mechanics are great, and I enjoy playing this game on my RG351V handheld. Awesome work!


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