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(3 edits) (+1)

First, I absolutely loved your game!!! Congrats for this little joy!
One funny thing... I could not finish it because I got stuck not being able to move in any direction, or dash... and pushed by the wind into the wall's corner... How lucky am I?
Found the only possible bug? :/


great game is there going to a sequel


Im stuck on the part just past the 3 blobs in a row




In this area (and possibly others, but I managed to reproduce here twice) it is possible to dash just a teeny-tiny bit too late, the spike(?)death sound plays and your character miraculously hangs onto the side of the column. You are puzzled for a second, as to what just happened, but then shrug, jump up on the column and... collapse instantly.

It's a most amusing bug, I laughed so hard! :D

Wonderful game, the last challenge reminded me of the mountaintop of Celeste, rather unforgiving. <3

gad deem


Great game! Saved 7/8 spirits :)

Low low low poly game!

Really great game, I love the mechanics.


Was the "Our Journey Continues Together" a cliffhanger for something?

I think it's just "No one get's behind"

A very interesting game :)
Please, will you share the p8 file too ?
We need it to play on TV with the Pico8 Engine. I can't play your game if you pack it for an OS. On Batocera we launch the p8 file with emulationstation.

Thanks a lot

It's on " SPLORE" (on PICO-8)


Splore ?
Is it the market of pico 8 ?
For my part i love to have all my games listed in emulationstation, with screenshot title shot, video preview, description, to choose what i want to play etc ... Really if you can shere here a p8 file it will be the best way for many users. Thanks a lot


If it's on "SPLORE" then it should be on

Ok ok sorry now i understand better, thanks a lot :)

Really very nice. :)

super fun game! went back and found all the crystals.

love the platforming and movement mechanics! totally unique and i could see a whole adventure with these (:

Everything about it is brilliant: the level design, progression, gfx (gorgeous), music - EVERYTHING! 🤩

Just the right amount of "ARGH how I do- OH, that's how!" 😅
Loved the backstory too - kinda reminded me of "The Dig" (LucasArts adventure game)

Sadly, I missed one spirit (heck knows where that blokey was - but close enough!)
All the best with the jam - you deserve ALL the points! 👏


figured out how to get out of bounds (: hehe


Nice one!


Beautiful, short (in a good way), fun.



Nice map design and game loop from power up to power up. Not once did I end up roaming around without knowing where to go next. Was a fun 10 minute run. Well done.


really fun over all! although their are some points at the edge of the map where it's not clear you are about to fall into nothing, and their are some jumps that seem a bit too unfair (that i had to come into these comments to find out the right way to do)

Can it work on analogue pocket?

No idea! Does the analogue pocket run pico8?

Only complaint is that the green gates looked a little bit too much like the other vegetation. But it's a game jam so totally forgivable.

Missed one

Really awesome!

Top notch look and feel. So polished!

(1 edit)
How do I cross this? I tried jumping, then dashing, but I always fell flat.
If there's gonna be an update, will you please add another pillar thing?

EDIT: I 100% completed the game!

this jump turned out a bit too hard. Will be fixed in an update. In the meantime, jump and directly press dash and you should make it

Have you already updated the game? if not I've found that dashing THEN jumping works really well

 Not gonna update until after the jam for fairness sake. :)

You dastardly dev, I tried several times and fell flat until I thought of celeste downwards dash, and was unpleasantly surprised it works. Immediately gave me farewell PTSD in which I still haven't completed the very last  room to this day. Very good game though, I enjoyed it.

exquisite as usual - well done!

Took me too long to beat it, but an otherwise lovely game!


Can you release a .png for those of us that use the Pico-8 program?


Yes! Once the jam voting is over I will release a post-jam version on the bbs. 

Wonderful metroidvania!  I loved the carefully crafted level design and how each ability felt like a fun surprise.  The rich environments were great too.

I liked the little bits of story sprinkled throughout but I was a little confused about what happened at the end of the game.

Good game. Loved the visuals of each area.

Nice little game :) 

Finally beat it!

(1 edit)

Wow, this is such a great little metroidvania. Fun gameplay, awesome visuals. Good work!

Bravo! It's just enough exploration and upgrading to be enjoyable without being frustrating. When I wasn't sure what to do next I just went back through old areas until I found a path unlocked by an upgrade. You packed a lot of character into the tiles, even including different biomes (the last was a surprise). The music and sound are top-notch too. I would have liked just a bit more story after the ending, to know the fate of our protagonist.

I feel like the ending area should have more checkpoints, but otherwise, grate game.

Made a video

Very interesting game indeed.

Maybe extending the game a bit longer with 1 or 2 more upgrades would be possible, or not?


Great game.

I took some time to realize I can press dash and jump at the same time (instead of jumping and then pressing dash).

(1 edit) (-1)

what to do after dash ability

edit: nvm i found out, but it's so difficult, literally a frame-and-pixel perfect input

How do you get the dash?

you have to find it after some platforming stuff

watch a walkthru or smth

Really well done, thanks for making Ascent! So much atmosphere and character in 64x64.

I got the vines, hand and  jump control upgrades now I'm stuck

Go to the big drop all the way to the left. Use the drop power so you don’t die from the fall. 

Good luck!


thanks lol

(1 edit) (+1)

I can't get up in the glass/ice area (where ther is boundary missing on the right) and i can't get out of this area through the ledges and spikes area. Can someone help please? i have strong hands, dash down, dash forward and vines upgrades. Is there some mechanic i am missing?

edit: i also have the ledges upgrade.

You have everything you need. Probably need to time your jumps better. Jump and then quickly press X (dash) and you sh out of get plenty of distance into the jump

i was missing information that Chris Zerotani provided. That i can pres jump amd dash simultaneously. I was trying to dash at the highest point of a jump, which is less effective than dash+jump simultaneously.

I had this same issue

x and z aren't working. can you help me

That's odd! Can you try another browser?

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