picoCAD updated to 1.0.2
picoCAD » Devlog
After a long time in testing, picoCAD has finally received an update! Main new feature is the ability to scale meshes, which is super handy. Looking forward to see this bring new ideas to life.
Changes 1.0.2
- Added ability to scale mesh (Y/U)
- Added ability to disable snap when editing UVs (hold Z)
- Added easter egg
- Renamed “Render 1st” to “Draw Behind”
- Tweaked spin speed in 3D view to be a bit slower
- Removed window title
- Removed inability to show primitive menu in 3D view
- Fixed model being wiped on undo when memory consumption has emptied undo buffer
- Fixed shading thresholds for color and texture not matching
- Fixed dithered shading not lining up between textured and colored faces
- Fixed pause menu appearing on some systems on pressing enter when saving a project under new name
- Fixed files sometimes not accepted when dragged onto the application
- Fixed exported OBJs being mirrored
- Fixed trying to load non picoCAD projects leading to a crash
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A tiny modeller for tiny models
More posts
- picoCAD now available on SteamNov 28, 2024
- Steam Release DetailsNov 12, 2024
- picoCAD is coming to SteamJun 12, 2024
- Community resourcesMar 29, 2023
- picoCAD 1.0.1 availableMar 05, 2021
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Hi, I bought picocad and downloaded.
But I have a problem.
when I drop the example txt file to picocad 8.
example file isn't imported and just unloaded picocad.
I don't know why this is happend
Please help me
This is a know issue if you have installed picoCAD in a path with special characters. Try installing/running it from root instead
It's not free anymore :( F
I thought I was crazy when I saw that this tool, few years later, costs money because I have this software on my old laptop and couldn't remember that I paid money for it. But now it's clear that it went from a free product to a commercial product. The price for this high quality product is fine but the thing that you can't get an old free version is somehow pity. I guess I will wait for the next sale to get it again
so it was free, I though I was going crazy
I remember when this was free.
That's really odd. Haven't heard about it before.
Do you have the possibility to log on to discord, and send me the file there?
The file you pasted got the formatting wrong when put on itch. Can you put the contents of the file on pastebin.com instead?
Cool. Looks like there is something weird with the geometry on the upper half of the missile. Look here: https://ibb.co/JFkNQyb
I believe it is due to the top vertices being collapsed into a single point, that causing it. That causes both the renderer to mess up the normals for the backface culling and then the exporter probably chokes on the top surface of the hexagon being reduced to a single point.
To fix it, redo the top half of the missile and remove the top face before merging the vertices. Then set all sides as "dbl-sided" and thy will render correctly.
Good luck!
do you still need pico-8 to use it or is it a standalone application?
It's a standalone application!
tell me why it isnt free now
I'm no longer making games and tools as a hobby, but full time! Hence, I need to charge for my creations in order to put food on the table. Simple as that :D
The time I hear of this program and really could use it is right after it goes on sale lmao. *I love pain*
Oh, thanks for finding this! Glad it worked out!
why it became paid???
the pay-what-you-want mode didn’t work anymore so I decided to try something else
i want this freeeee
remember getting this app and enjoing it a lot. now, when my computers motherboard died and i moved to another one, suddenly, picoCAD became fully paid. its not like i'm angry about it, but now, in russia, there is litteraly no way i can paid for this. its too good to not have it. now i'm sad ):
this is why these things exist
Consider returning with a free option at some time, here in Brazil even 5 dollars can be quite costy (if you're unemployed). :(
There's definitely going to be sales in the future. Stay tuned!
Hi, picoCAD only supports the original 16 pico8 colors. I’m out of tokens and everything else to be able to add it I’m afraid
I thought this software was free? at least it was last time i used it.
It used to be pay-what-you-want. Since December I am experimenting with other models.
ah i see I dont mind paying as its great software and well worth the small price you are asking if not more :) was just curious for the sudden change
Thanks! Appreciate it
hi, after dload i coudnt open the Windows version,help?
hi! Are you running in administrator mode? Have you unzipped the full archive and not only the exe?
Hi Johan, after unzip filer, i got only __MACOSX folder, inside there are picocad-102.bin folder, toolbox-102.bin folder,'._picocad-102.bin file' and '._toolbox-102.bin' file. Inside 'picocad-102.bin folder,' there are examples folder, linux folder, mac folder & windows folder. Insside Windows folder there are ._config.txt, ._data.pod,._picocad.exe and ._SDL2.dll. After i double click _picocad.exe i get a prompt :"This App can;t run on your PC". To find a version of you PC, please check with you publisher"
Once you unzipped the archive, you should have more folders than the _MACOS folder. There should also (for instance) be a windows folder with the files for Windows in it. If you don't have those folder something probably went wrong when you unzipped the archive.
Hi Johan, im a new Window user migrated from MacOs, after created a folder and extract the zip file inside the folder i can see the folders for Windows and it works now, thank you
It’s been free for more than a year. Time to try out something new.
At least make older versions free, that way someone who wants a more advanced version can just pay
We'll see what model ends up effective. Trying to balance both growth, accessibility, and revenue is tricky!
Yes, I'm also wondering the same thing. Whats with the bait and switch?
Dude it's 4,95 USD. I Don't see the "bait and switch".
I think you don't make sense. Pico cad was original free, it was changed and now it is paid. He can charge for it. I was just saying it's not very cool to make a change like that and not allow old versions to be downloaded. Simple.
the early bird catches the worm, making games wont pay for itself, johan needs to make a living somehow
besides there isnt much difference between 101 & 102, thats like asking mojang to make 1.19 free since 1.20 is out
Dumb take. Minecraft survival was never free to begin with. It would however completely make sense if Minecraft 1.19 used to be free (which it never was).